Become a Member

Join us in making a difference by becoming a member today. Together, we have the power to positively impact the lives of those in need in Ethiopia and contribute to a cause greater than ourselves.

* Join a cause that is larger than yourself.

* Take on leadership roles to enhance your leadership skills.

* Members automatically receive 20 volunteer hours per year.

* Members can apply for leadership positions and earn additional leadership hours, plus the automatic 20 hours included with membership.

* Develop teamwork abilities and a sense of responsibility.

* Connect with Habesha youth globally and build lasting friendships.

Interested in joining? Sign up for just $10 a month per person! Get sibling discounts: $15 for two or $20 for three. Fill out the form below, and we’ll contact you soon!

If you have siblings who’d like to join too, they can complete the form alongside you to benefit from our sibling discount.